Friday, June 10, 2011

Getting Settled

It's funny to think about getting settled at home when you are on vacation in California and a mere week away from 6 weeks in Colorado, but getting settled is what's on my mind.

I've lived in my current home since August, yep 10 months and I have still not hung shelves and have a couple boxes yet to be unpacked.
How is that possible?
I think it's because I'm a little afraid of getting settled. What if I unpack and just have to move again? Or worse what if I unpack and settle in and my life is still the same?

I think I like the idea that I can leave at any moment. I like the idea that I could pack my stuff,say goodbye, and be out.

I think part of my enjoyment of the nomadic lifestyle is that it is a great excuse for things not being quite what I would hope they might be.

Leaving town every other month makes it okay that sometimes I have single serving friendships. It also makes it okay that I'm a little bit of a mess---piles on the floor are alright if you run in and out of your house.

So, by faith, I'm moving in. When I get back in august, I am moving in.
Hanging shelves, hanging pictures, unpacking, getting flowers to pot. I'm thinking about a chandelier of some sort. I might even get a sewing machine. And if in a year I do move away it won't have been a waste to get set up. It will have created a place of refuge and comfort for me and hopefully others.

So, now it's in writing, I'd better do it. In August I'll post pictures, to prove it :)

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