Monday, October 18, 2010

have we been inoculated with the Gospel?

We have just enough exposure of the Christian narrative that the truth of Christ just doesn't change our lives. It doesn't seem radical, because we have "heard" it so many times, but are we really listening? We cannot see the radical nature of life change, because we have been so lightly exposed to the water down "moralistic" ideology of the Christian nation ethic. But merely setting up a society that acknowledges some idea of a monotheistic deity does not make a Christian nation, it cannot bring the reality of who Jesus is. It cannot radically change everything. Legislating morality will only continue to confuse the issue. We keep telling the lie that you can create some good enough version of heaven on earth. Many people have a really hard time answering the question,"if you could go to heaven without Jesus being there, would you be happy to be there?" There is no heaven apart from Christ. Jesus says "and this is eternal life, that you may know God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent." we mustn't cling to a good life, an easy life, a moral life, but a radical life. A life that calls us to die for the sake of our enemies and to lay everything down so that we might walk closely with Jesus. That our lives would overflow the full scale onset of the Gospel. That you couldn't interact with the Gospel with out it killing you, your flesh, and making you TRULY alive in the only way we can be truly aIive, in Him, in Jesus.

real life is only found in one place. as counter intuitive as it may seem, that place is in death. in the death of Jesus and even more in the resurrection. but it has to change you...not because we have to change to get "in" with God, but because once we are "in" with God, by His great mercy, change happens. "it is for freedom that Christ has set you free"


Desiree said...

i like. specially the question about your desire to go to heaven if Jesus wasn't there. Thought provoking.

And I agree that legislating morality will not make us a Christian Nation.

jbirdjavi said...

So much good stuff in there that I don't really know what to pick out to comment on. I'll just say "Amen, sista!" :)