Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are Christians really jerks?

Christians are called to be the best kinds of humans; we are supposed to be humble and loving. Our lives are to be marked by Love.

Like the true, true kind of love.

It breaks my heart that people associate Christians with jerks. But I don't know that "people" across the board do. Yes, we all know there are some who poorly misrepresent Jesus and the Way. But I came to know the Lord because of Christians' kindness and their care for me.

Instead of defending or criticizing the outliers who make Christians look like idiots, we should be active in our communities to love people, to be the best kind of neighbors. We should lay down our lives. If all of us who are tired of being misrepresented by holier than though angry types we could use our energy to be Jesus kind of people.

People talk a lot about Christians being hypocrites, but the beauty of Christianity is that there should be no hypocrisy because by following Jesus, we are already saying I am terrible, I am a sinner, I deserve death---BUT Jesus did this amazing thing! Let me tell you what Jesus did and even more; let me tell you what Jesus is doing. He is making a broken thing (me) new. I wonder if I sought unity instead of division and feared God more than man, would we make a difference.

Sometimes it feels like people are waiting for “some leader” to do something, but there are a lot of faithful people making a difference. What if instead of looking for someone to make “those who misrepresent you” behave differently, you just were faithful. What if I was just faithful and humble and honest? Would the world notice? Could we really change the world?

I think we could.


Amber Rose said...

i want to do an article about this for the magazine... we'll see what the editors think. thanks for sharing your thoughts. love ya!

rachel said...
