Tuesday, April 7, 2009

light out.

so i was driving home the other night, from the airport. it was night and i was ready to get home. so as i am driving, i also am catching up on the phone calls. so i'm talking with bridget and all of a sudden i see lights flashing in my rearview mirror. i look at my speed-o-meter and i'm totally not speeding. i pull over and the officer taps on my passanger window (this has never happened to me), having manual windows, i lean over to the passanger side and roll it down. he says to me "did you know that your license plate light is out?" and i say "no, i'm so sorry." and he asked "where are you coming from?" and i said "i just flew back to town and i'm just going home." and he says, "are your arms tired?" to which i reply "no, what do you mean?" (i thought maybe i had been holding the steering wheel incorrectly) and he says "oh, i guess you came on a plane." and i couldn't believe he was making jokes. i don't know why that bothers me, but whenever i am pulled over, i always feel really tense and like i'm in trouble so making jokes doesn't work in my paradigm.

so if cops joke with you, laugh, i think it will make them feel better.


Amber Rose said...

what a dork! i would have been so mad at that guy! making jokes after pulling me over... do cops even realize what it does to someone's heart when they see flashing red and blue in their rearview? :) you're awesome. love you!

Bridget Allyne said...

i just love that what i hear in the middle of our conversation is, "oh, i'm getting pulled over. i'm going to have to call you back".

love you.