Monday, July 28, 2008

back in indiana

so new staff training is over and now i am full-time raising support. i want to be excited about that, but its definitely an adjustment to be back at my grandma's house. i think if there were a specific and guaranteed leave date i would be able to adjust better.
i was super optomistic while i was in orlando about the amount of time it would take to raise all the support, but now i'm back in reality and see that it might be a longer stint here in the hoosier state.
but i'm pretty well convinced that the Lord has me here for a reason, i'm not sure what yet, but i think it'll probably be super hard, but super awesome. i feel like that's a theme with me and Jesus.
so i've got lots of appointmens, which is really fun. and i'm going to weddings and seeing people in different towns to talk about life and ministry, so that's cool.
i also hope to blog more often. mostly for myself and if anyone reads that might be cool.
i'm working on a post that needs to be handled carefully i think, it started about a book, but has turned into something else. i hope to put it up soon. but who knows.
so that's the update.
if you live in or around indiana, lets hang out. i need friends.


James said...

yo nifer.
i'm praying for you girl.
and there's no doubt the lord has you there for a reason, it's to raise support! haha but i trust also that the lord will provide some fellowship for you, either from friends or a church, or both!

alright girl, i like your optimism, stay positive.

Amber Rose said...

you are awesome lovely lady! don't lose heart. MPD is super hard, no matter what. you will be in my daily thoughts/prayers. call me if you need to vent or whatev. it's good to have others who are in it with you. and p.s.- I read your blog! :) *hugs*

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