Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i am astonished at how little it takes to stir up things of old.

why do i keep hoping that one of these days i am going to wake up and not be sad that my mom's gone?
do i really think that it works that way?
they say all wounds heal with time, but the mere mention of a random remark that just catches my heart a certain way and i'm all sorts of melancholy.
how is it possible that it feels more painful now then it did?

we were not made for this.


Unknown said...

Wow, that is so beautiful! I want to hear your story!!! Let's have a winter park coffee date this summer :)

Anonymous said...

i think it gets easier with time, but not so much better... if that makes any sense. like the pain is always there, always always, but you get used to the pain the longer it goes on.

like if you had a permanent limp. at first it would bug you every single day... then it would get so that it only hurt when you saw someone else walking normally...

does that make sense?