Monday, February 11, 2008


i love the sky.

its so vast. the whole of space is right there above my head. here in florida there are no mountains, so it just goes on forever. i love the feeling of being really small compared to something.

i love that sometimes a cloudy sky makes me all melancholy, the sunshine makes me feel so alive, it all causes me to marvel at how great the Creator is. i love the puffy white clouds and the stars at night, sunrises and sunsets.

but i can't help but think this is the corrupt fallen version of the sky, because Paul writes in Romans 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now."

so this beautiful vastness that causes me to loose my breath on occasion is just a gross version of what it was supposed to be. is that possible?

i cannot even imagine the beauty that we have to behold in creation, when it is all redeemed, but even more than that, the Creator. I am looking forward to the day when we see Jesus face to face, when the veil is lifted. I want to live in light of that day.


James said...

i like the sky too.

especially when there's clouds, and the clouds morph and mold to make all kinds of crazy lookin things. i saw a cloud that looked like jesus' face once.

bye nifer.

Vince Garvey said...

he really did, i personally thought the cloud looked like james though.

bye nifer.