Wednesday, December 5, 2007


so i think i'm going to tap into creativity more. i like creative things. but i have this fear that other people might think things i've poured my heart out into are lame. which is a risk that i have to be willing to take, right? right. so i'm going to be more creative. i'm going to take risks. scary. i like to try new things. i have enjoyed almost all the new things i have tried this fall. i really like rock climbing, who would have guessed it. i have enjoyed jogging, its good to zone out for a bit. i like salsa dancing when i don't feel like i'm so awkward at it. i have really, really enjoyed my job. i think its a good fit for me. i think i might stay, but who knows. i don't have to decide today, so i won't decide today :) anyway.
i really like Sufjan Stevens rendition of Come Thou Fount...its one of my favorite hymns.
there is something about a good hymn. there is depth and emotion. after all this time, people still feel those things.
i feel like i am beginning an intense thing with the Lord. not that it wasn't intense before, but now it is getting serious. i think it might be hard, i think it is going to be really hard. without going into any detail i think He's going to uproot some junk. i'm excited for when its over and there is freedom, but the process has to potential to be pretty intense.
but i'm in for it. ready or not here it comes.

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